KIDZ Ministry exists to teach children about Jesus!
We focus on the big 4 – Koinonia, Intentional, Disciples, Zealous
- Koinonia– The dictionary defines Koinonia as “Christian fellowship or a Body of Believers”. We want each child to know that they belong! Each child is uniquely made on purpose by God and we want them all to know that they have a special place here in our ‘Christian Fellowship’!
- Intentional– Each child is made specifically and purposefully by God. We want to be intentional in forming relationships with them and very intentional in teaching them how much Jesus LOVES them!
- Disciples– As a child grows and attends KIDZ Ministry, we make it our mission to teach them how to be Disciples of Jesus! Jesus is the greatest Influencer of ALL TIME! And we make it our #1 priority to know Him and to be like Him.
- Zealous– KIDZ Ministry is known for our enthusiasm, energy, and fun! And this is exactly what Zealous means! We are ZEALOUS about life! We are ZEALOUS about learning! Most of all, we are ZEALOUS about JESUS!!
What to Expect
Each Sunday during the school year (Sept- May), KIDZ Ministry focuses on one of those four! We start our Sunday in the Worship Service with the adults for Praise & Worship songs. After the singing, we are dismissed to go upstairs to KIDZ Church. When the Adult Worship Service is over, parents come upstairs to pick up their child. Each child must be signed out by their parent/guardian. We value safety and security!

121 Basin St. NW Navarre OH 44662
Every Wednesday beginning January 8th
- KIDZ Church has new curriculum called ROOTS: Giving kids strong roots in Jesus. We are so excited for this new curriculum. It has music, lessons, memory verses, games, Bible skill drills and more.
- *Parents* – Complete the medical & permission form in the section below.

June 9th-13th | 6-8pm
Grab your parkas and snow boots and get ready to explore the breathtakingly beautiful Arctic region with us at Operation Arctic! On our thrilling expedition, we’ll uncover the coolest book on the planet—the Bible! Join us as we plunge into this cool world and God’s wonderful Word! We’re sure to have a flurry of fun and excitement at Operation Arctic!
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Teaching Series & Info
Roots – Fruit of the Spirit
Helping Kids grow strong roots in Jesus!

Forms, Signups & Documents
Various and relevant forms, signup sheets & documents.
KIDZ Ministry Wish List
Items that will provide our children even more opportunities to learn about Jesus!.
Christian Education Director