Welcome to Living Grace Youth Group (called Group 412 inspired by 1 Timothy 4:12). We strive to create a welcoming space for 6th-12th Grade youth and are dedicated to helping them grow in their faith and live as examples of Christ!
Join youth group each Wednesday for food, games, Biblical talks, small group discussions and of course, lots of fun.
All activities are posted below on the calendar. We’d love to see you there…and bring a friend too!

Current Youth Series
TITLE: The Hills
SERIES BOTTOM LINE: This series encourages youth to understand what it means for them to be the light of the world.
SESSION 1: God created you to shine.
SESSION 2: God’s light in you brings order to chaos.
SESSION 3: God’s light in you brings light to others.

Parent Corner
<Current Series Info>
Get an overview & supplemental info regarding our series.
The Youth Staff

Youth Director
Gabriel (Gabe) Kukuk
Assistant Youth Director
Trudy Kukuk